How to Make the Perfect Scrambled Eggs (With Truffles!)

How to Make the Perfect Scrambled Eggs (With Truffles!)

Until now, you probably thought scrambled eggs were just — well — scrambled eggs. But when you make them with black truffles, the once-ordinary breakfast becomes a delightful way to start your day.

How can you, too, enjoy this delicious delicacy in your morning meals? Use this recipe to create the perfect plate of truffle-infused scrambled eggs. 

Black Truffle-Infused Scrambled Eggs


  • Eggs (depending on how many people you’re cooking for; 2-3 large eggs work well for two people)
  • 1 tbsp. heavy cream
  • Black truffles (to taste)
  • Butter and bread for toast
  • Pinch of salt


Ready to cook your scrambled eggs? Take out the fridge the truffles and eggs. Let a pat of butter heat in the pan, and let it melt while you do the next step.

Crack the eggs in a medium-sized bowl. Add a pinch of salt and the heavy cream, then whisk together until everything is combined. Pour the egg mixture in when the butter is completely melted and spread across the pan. Give it a few seconds to bubble up, then use a plastic spatula to pull the eggs from the surface and sides and gently scramble them.

As the eggs cook, toast your bread and butter it while it’s hot. Add the eggs to your plate, then shave your black truffle over them. Enjoy!